Orders placed within 14 days of the delivery date are charged a 20% late order fee. Save money, place your order early!

If placing an order within 7 days of the delivery date, you must first call or text to confirm we have delivery labor available. Call or Text: 702-399-9900 ( 8am – 9pm PST)

Printable Order Form

The printable order form should only be used if you are having difficulties placing your order online.

Download the printable order form and catalogue below:​ ​

Place your order with four easy steps.

  1. Print the order form and complete.
  2. Print clearly and be sure to add the quantity and color for each item.
  3. Fax or email completed form. If emailing the form, please save as .PDF (We are unable to accept .JPEG files or Photos).

Fax to: 888-236-2553

Email to: Megan@VegasDisplay.com

*If using the printable order form, and your order is within 14 days of the delivery date, you must contact us for approval prior to placing your order.

Phone: 702-353-4267 (M-F 9am-5pm)
Email: Megan@VegasDisplay.com

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