Orders placed within 14 days of the delivery date are charged a 20% late order fee. Save money, place your order early!

If placing an order within 7 days of the delivery date, you must first call or text to confirm we have delivery labor available. Call or Text: 702-353-4267 ( 8am – 9pm PST)

Width: 11in
Depth: N/A
Height: 58in
Weight: 13lbs

Regular Price (order at least 14 days before delivery date)
$145.00 per unit
Late Order Price (order within 14 days of delivery date)
$174 per unit
Regular Price
$145.00 per unit

20% late fee will apply at checkout for orders placed within 14 days of the delivery date.


In stock

Item Dimensions
Width 11in
Depth N/A
Height 58in
Weight 13lbs
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