Orders placed within 14 days of the delivery date are charged a 20% late order fee. Save money, place your order early!

If placing an order within 7 days of the delivery date, you must first call or text to confirm we have delivery labor available. Call or Text: 702-399-9900 ( 8am – 9pm PST)

Width: 9in
Depth: N/A
Height: 3in
Weight: 1lbs

Regular Price (order at least 14 days before delivery date)
$75.00 per unit
Late Order Price (order within 14 days of delivery date)
$90 per unit
Regular Price
$75.00 per unit

20% late fee will apply at checkout for orders placed within 14 days of the delivery date.


In stock

This LED Light - The is the added accessory to illuminate the following MOD Pedestal and Mod Cube items.
  • BT480 Mod Cylinder Pedestal 21w" x 18"h
  • BT481 Mod Cylinder Pedestal 21"w x 30"h
  • BT482 Mod Cylinder Pedestal 21"w x 42"h
  • BT483 Mod Cube 24"w x 24"h
  • BT484, Mod Cube Pedestal 24"w x 48"h
The colors the LED Light will emit are white (preset color) red, green, blue, amber, cyan, magenta, yellow, orange, light green, violet, pink, light blue, Colors can also be set to rotating colors and fading.
Item Dimensions
Width 9in
Depth N/A
Height 3in
Weight 1lbs
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